Water Movement NFT

Water in Movement NFT available at OpenSea

The Digital Currency Token (or NFT as it’s more commonly known), is an innovative way for digital currency businesses to raise funds that can be used for marketing, operations, development and more. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top 5 reasons why you should buy NFTs. If you’ve been following our blog for a while now, you’ve probably realized that we are big fans of tokens. Whether they be Ethereum based ERC20 tokens or privately assigned secondary token vendor (STV) tokens, tokens have become one of the hottest topics in finance and cryptocurrency over the past few years. However, they have been largely ignored when it comes to investing in companies that operate within the cryptocurrency space. The reason is two-fold: investing in cryptocurrency startups has historically been difficult and expensive. The best opportunities can only be identified after a great deal of due diligence and research. This makes buying unsold tokens or NFTs extremely challenging from an investor standpoint. That being said, buying into projects that aren’t actively advertising their token sale isn’t always a bad thing. If you are looking to gain exposure to the developing blockchain economy without having to commit large amounts of capital then look no further than buying NFTs!

Check out my NFT Photography at OpenSea.

Over $1 billion in annual revenue
Blockchain is a hot topic these days and with good reason. It has the potential to change the way industries like financial services and hospitality operate. Currently, however, most of the discussions about blockchain and cryptocurrency are centered on its potential to change the way we store and move money. This is why many companies are exploring the use of blockchain in the financial services sector. Asset Ledger (“ALICE”) is a decentralized platform that allows security providers to manage their assets and create decentralized trust. The project’s internal blockchain is used by vendors to store and manage data. The platform has a range of uses, including identity verification, legal agreements, land titles, and medical records.

How Does a NFT Work?
A token is basically a digital currency that functions as a medium of exchange within a blockchain ecosystem. There are many different uses for tokens, including access to special offers, discounts and rewards, equity stakes, and more. For example, when you buy a coffee in New York City, the seller’s account is credited with the amount paid for the coffee. When you want to purchase a coffee in London, you will need to use the London seller’s account to make the transaction. A NFT works in much the same way. A company issues a token that functions as a digital currency within a blockchain ecosystem. The tokens can be used as a means of exchange within the ecosystem, or they can be stored in a wallet and exchanged at a later date for other tokens or cash.

Why Buy NFTs?
Investing in cryptocurrencies is often a very lucrative investment opportunity. With many promising cryptocurrencies already seeing huge price increases this year, there is definitely potential for significant returns on your investment. For example, On May 3rd, news broke that the Hang Seng Index had jumped by more than 3%, which is a 50%+, or $7 billion, gain in just one day. That is huge! The value of the Hang Seng Index is based on the price of stocks in 30 large and mid-sized Southeast Asian companies. The index has increased by more than 100% this year, and is up around 30% overall.

Benefits of Owning a NFT
The main benefits of owning a NFT are exposure to the developing blockchain economy without having to commit large amounts of capital. Additionally, many of the projects you purchase will be expenses – meaning they will be incurred and paid for. In other words, you get a free ride into the future by grabbing a piece of the future now.

How to Buy NFTs
The first step to purchasing a NFT is to find a company that is conducting a token sale. If you find one you like, the next step would be to contact them and see if you can purchase some tokens from them. To purchase tokens from a company, simply send them some money. Most companies will ask for you to send them $100,000 or more, depending on the project. Once you purchase tokens from a company, you will have the ability to trade them on a public exchange or use them to purchase goods and services.

Bottom line
The future of money is blockchain, and that’s why we’re introducing the world’s first digital currency backed by real estate. We call it NFTs (Not For Traders). NFTs are digital currency that can be purchased from a company or investor. NFTs can be used to purchase goods and services in the future. And now we are offering a very low price for token sales.

(not financial advice, only invest what you can afford to loose)