Texas for Space Buffs

By Francisco Jose Zangerolame
Welcome to Texas, you Spacebuff, yes you, if you are reading this you are a spacebuff, there are amazing places in Texas for the Star Wars fan, Star Trek fan, and all the sub series and variations, and even for the Astronaut Candidates, yes we, the spacebuffs, we live in the current reality we are aware of the wars, crises, and injustices, but when we look up to the sky with one star in the big cities, or with a thousand stars in the farms, or florests we smile, and somehow our heart become lighter, we say a prayer for all mankind, and wish maybe today they will come back to get me, remember E.T…kkk.
Back to the last Cinco de Mayo, we went to Las Colinas, Toyota Music Factory, amazing place lots of options, and keep in mind we only started going there after the Pandemic, image how cool it was before the world changed, there was some online buzz about the Cinco de Mayo event, and we got there early around 6 PM, there was a live stage with live artists playing Mexican music for free, and we looked for a good place to have a drink and watch the show, and it was a no brainer this bar/restaurant was right across the public stage, “Reservoir” (not sponsored, I paid for my amazing meal/drinks/sodas and had a blast), the place was packed, but after waiting around we got an amazing table with full stage view.
It was a perfect evening, as the designated driver, I let my companion soak in her favorite Tequila(s), and I enjoyed my usual soda, a couple sodas later, mother nature started to do its thing, and following the nature call, I went to the proper place, the usual great, funny designs and jokes on the wall, I did not see it on the way in, but on the way out, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it was a perfect moment, if you are a Space Buff, and own at least one of the For Dummies books, you will really enjoy, it is HUGE, and the best angle for a picture, its getting really, really, really close to the entrance of the Ladies Restroom, so be careful or bring a lady friend, to take the picture for you.
Since I believe in signs, and this was right after May 4th, my heart was filled with joy, knowing that someone out there, took the time to paint that amazing peace of Space Buff art, knowing that the owner of this place, respects the art, and yes there was no other place to put that amazing peace of art. I went back to the table, and my companion which normally is not into Space stuff, after a couple of tequilas she started to laugh at selfie I took, and we went back together to take a proper picture, the ugly selfie is posted here, I am keeping the proper one for myself, but knowing that there are others like us makes me feel special.
I had an extra smile on my face, besides watching my friend being silly, the people walking on the main place, being silly, one lady did a somersalt, perfect place/table for people watching, l had not had this feeling since before the Pandemic, and for the first I feel like is coming back to normal, almost 9 PM, I was getting hungry, so a checked the menu, and one item got my attention “The Cubano” which was the house Chef interpretation of the Cuban Sandwich, it was PERFECT, we moved in from Miami in 2017, and this is a sandwich I know and enjoy for over 20 years, if you ever in the area, try this place, do not drink and drive, and as nature makes you go, enjoy this SPACE BUFF, shrine. I did. Thanks for reading. Love, Light and Peace.
(any trademark used here was for editorial purposes, and they belong to the assigned registered owners)